Tag Archives: sensibility

Barcelona sensitivity campaign

Municipal government launched In April an aggressive campaign of sensibility. This campaign is designed to there are thing that are prohibited to do in Barcelona. A lot of Barcelona apartments wake up with piss in the doors or with some broken glass. In these days is normal to see in the streets posters depicting stick figures with slogan like “Everything fits here but not everything goes”. Another action to cut this incivility is prohibiting the happy hours and the two-for-one drinks to try to decrease the number of drunks in Barcelona and to cut down the pastime of the bachelors.

Barcelona made a big change since the 1992 Olympic Games and the urban campaigns has grown exponential in these years. These actions make grown the quantity of visits of tourist and in consequence the number of bookings for hotels and the rent of the Barcelona apartment. Nowadays Barcelona is one of the most visited cities in Europe with about 7 million overnight visitors. This increase of tourist, the double of visits than 10 years ago, is based in no-frills airlines and budget tour operators that bring very significant groups of persons from all parts of Europe with the slogan travel to get, well, wasted.

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