Category Archives: Barcelona

Gulls in Barcelona increasingly aggressive

The gulls are a very territorial species that defend their land against trespassers as we are seeing in recent months on the coast of Barcelona. Specifically we have seen from some apartments in Barcelona, in the Barceloneta area a few meters from the beach. Seagulls are flying and chopped intimidation to deter any potential intruder from the area where their nests, and that during the summer months gulls entering their breeding season.
The most worrying thing is the impact of man on the coast. By building more buildings, hotels and apartments in Barcelona, we found more urban area and therefore a dispute between the man and the gull through this area as are the roofs or balconies. Is especially true when a neighbor comes to the balcony, or upload to your roof to water the plants, hang clothes or any other activity carried out in this.
Another of the things that most concern to biologists is the change in diet of gulls, which being more urban, many are now eating more waste of man to be much easier to find this type of food. In addition, pigeons have become their new diet devouring doves after being attacked from several seagulls in the group.

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Filed under Barcelona

Cocktels in Barcelona at The “Torre Rosa”

If you have come to spend a few days in Barcelona and these in one of the apartments in Barcelona or any of the hotels in the city, surely nobody will tell you where you can go for a drink at night. How much will indicate the central area of the city where dozens of music bars with a terrace, but if you really want to enjoy a special evening on a terrace in Barcelona called “La Torre Rosa.”
This restaurant in Barcelona is located in the neighborhood of “Congreso” in the street Francesc Tarrega, 22. This is one where your bartenders Cocktel accumulate several awards for creating and cocktails as they do. The consumption price is 8 € regardless of the cocktail you ordered, but no doubt the place is worth it.
La Torre Rosa is a small old pink house with a garden very nicely decorated. Inside the house we find the bar where they prepare the cocktails and several sofas to relax and enjoy the drinks they produce.

Cocktel Torre Rosa

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Filed under Barcelona, Leisure