Tag Archives: events

“Fiestas de Gracia 2010”

This year, Gracia, a neighborhood of Barcelona, is decked out partying with their particular streets decorated with different themes like politics, sports, actuality… As always, takes place during the second fortnight of August, in the third week. This year, the proclamation of the Thanksgiving feast on Saturday starts at 19:00 as a guest preacher will be the famous Catalan television chef, Isma Prados.

Rent apartments in Barcelona in the neighborhood of Gracia during their holidays is the best option to enjoy an unforgettable week, although it is recommended only for young people who want to enjoy both day and night since Thanksgiving feast to lengthen into the night.
If your vacation is to pass on family better find apartments in Barcelona that are not in this area during the third week of August is full of people, noise and occasional acts of incivility.

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