Category Archives: Leisure

Strange customs in Barcelona or Madrid hotel rooms

In recent years have come to light or have released some of the items that guests have left in the hotels. At the same time, they also unveil some of the practices that customers of hotels perform to usurp some of the most curious objects.

It has been a case he found a necklace valued at $ 16,000 in a safe, but never knew who he was.

Also found were plastic prosthetic limbs for plastic injection moulding, as well as sex toys, a snake, the habit of a nun, and even an abandoned baby.

On the other hand, in some hotel rooms Madrid has increased the theft of small tools such as hair dryers, household items, televisions, DVDs and anything that is likely to attract hotel guests.

There is a curious case in which people who were staying in a room took an air conditioner over 100 kilos. The question we are asking the is still how could carry an element of such magnitude?

According to statistics, customs are also changing, with women now are more consumers of pornography and alcohol a few years ago.

However, men are far more than are caught naked outside the rooms.

The survey also showed that couples “in love” were mostly caught by security cameras in almost all places and even in the most unlikely, pools, spas, saunas, hallways, stairs, bars and even wine cabinets.

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Costa Brava Beaches

If there’s one thing that stands out is the Costa Brava beaches and coves of golden sand, rocks and water is completely clear. We can find from other urban beaches in isolated coves with boat access only. The flora and fauna are typical of the Mediterranean with tall pine trees and flowers and shrubs that give off a scent that is mixed with sea salt.
You can find a variety of hotels Costa Brava of all prices even camping on the beach beautiful and very fresh. The distances between the villages is small and can be visited around and taste the dishes of the excellent cooks who are in the area.

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